Monday, November 3, 2008

3rd Observation

1:00 P.M.

There seems to be a decrease of water since the initial start. There is about 1/2 inch area from the top of the container to where the water now touches that is open air The topes of the plants are now exposed to air. There also seems to be a renewal of life, if you will, and havealready spotted at least 5 Ostrocads with the first glance and upon further observation at least 17 different Ostrocads swimming around at once. They all seem to be healthy and a bunch of them appear to be feeding on the left plant. There also seems to be alot of air bubbles everwhere just disperesed and I havent seen a single dead Ostracod body as of yet. Completely the opposite from last week. Also there seems to be less amoeba things and also les debris floating in the water. Activity seems to be pretty disperesed from top to bottom and left to right. The bottom layer of dirt is full with dark objects. When I hold the MicroAquirium up all the Ostracods flee to the bottom and burrow in the dirt. Cant seem to spot any Rotifers this time but not too worried since last time I only spotted two. I have decided to classify the little round thins Raramecium aurelia though they may be chilomonos. The right plant seems to have settled with half red/half green while the left plant seems to be fading its green and has more hints of yellow green now. Gigantic worm thing just shot out from the dirt, swam half way up and floated back down. Moves like an inch worm and biggest organism that I have seen within the MicroAquirium. Seems to have a tiny arm near its head and its tail closes up behind it when it moves. Have classified is as a midge. Failed to take a picture but only because it when back and burried itself again and need to leave for math. I shall come earlier next time and get pictures.

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