Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brave New World

Term Project-10/15/08

Started the Term Project this week by setting up the MicroAquariums in Lab. I used the water from #8 and put plants A and B on each side of the Aquirium with dirt on the botton and water everywhere else. With the first observation found many many little flea type creatures swimming everywhere in loops. Upon further scrutinizing have classifies them as being Ostracods. Have counted at least 5 different Ostracods being within the MicroAquariums and believe there to be many more but cannot pin down the number above 5 because of how quick they are and how often they zip around. It is important to note that they can be visible with the naked eye. There seem to be other smaller organisms floating mostly within the bottom to middle range but cannot make out what exactly they are with the microspcope. Most life that I have observed, however, does seem to be ranging from the dirt bottom to the middle. Very little activity at the top compared to the bottom.

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